Every time someone asks me my favourite song or album I reference "High Fidelity" and tell them there is no such thing!

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loving this playlist! Muddy Waters and Margaret Glaspy Yes!!!!

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"Listening to it recently, I was struck by how the songs from the twenty-first century stand up, despite the competition here"

That line reminded me of a New Yorker article you wrote earlier in the twenty-first century where you compared the Billboard album chart of July 1971 to the album chart of July 2001. ("The Alicia Keys disk really isn't bad, however, and is certainly the only album in the Top Ten that I might contemplate playing again one day in the not too distant future, when the memory of this whole Billboard experience is a little less . . . vivid.")


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I am constantly amazed how hard it is to find personnel on many recordings. For example, I had never heard "Voodoo Woman" before. By circumstatial evidence it looks like Mighty Joe Young provides the great guitar fills. But this should be easier. Bing AI credited it to Sonny Rollins!!!!

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There was a time when I was obsessively listening to Sittin' on a Fence, and after being reminded of it here I think that time may come again.

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It's nice to find a Stones song that isn't one of the Big Ones. And that one is very cute, if one overlooks the, um, dated lyrics.

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Good point. At least it’s not Some Girls.

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Agree with you on the chords in “Shark Smile.” They’re a kind of thoughtful dreaminess.

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Loving 'Give me back my wig!' So many gems.

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Wonderful selection! Spotify isn’t my favorite music platform but I enjoyed listening! Peace love light and joy 🥲

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