He is just brilliant. On this, on Taskmaster, on a boat with Paul Whitehouse, everything he does is golden.

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We do beg your pardon, we are in your garden!

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Theft And Shrubbery! I felt I had to keep it down to three.

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‘A snipers dream’ is one of my favourite things he’s ever said. You should listen to his episode of Off Menu podcast, it’s brilliant!

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Who do you think you're talking to. An AMATEUR?

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How silly of me, of course you’ve listened to it. His epsiode on Kathy Burke’s podcast was also fantastic but I imagine you’ve listened to that as well!

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THANK YOU! I listened to his Off Menu episode last night and his absolute non-explanation of "deployment to Bosnia + stray dogs = brewing ale" made me lose it.

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Car meats!! Am never without them henceforth and forthwith!!

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He's so lovely. To Rob Brydon: "You've not used Fuji-9!" Lol... My whole mug is Kintsugied together with Fuji-9 😂

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Nice. But now I feel Vic Reeves needs to be introduced to your global audience too.

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"You wouldn't let it lie!"

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Bob Mortimer only has to start smiling and I'm in hysterics.

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You are VERY harsh on Chris Rea...

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I've watched the "egg in the bath" story many times. And every time I'm in tears of laughter. David Mitchell's reaction at the end, is also brilliant. It is definitely one of the funniest moments on TV - ever.

I would probably add Killing Eve and Line of Duty to the list of well-written TV shows. And, if we're allowed to stray into streamed shows from across the pond: Breaking Bad.

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I LOVE how much he just manages to break David Mitchell's brain

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I have to agree. ‘WILTY’ is one of those TV pleasures that’s hard to scroll past. We record it, but unlike most of the other recordings we schedule, we actually watch these, and laugh out loud. What a tonic that is. Smart, funny, cheeky telly.

Bob’s a loveable chap, for a Smoggie (I’m from further North, but we like Smoggies, in the same way we hate Them Mackems).

Bob is also loveable in that other ‘satisfying warm bath’ of a series - Gone Fishing with Paul Whitehouse, that we also can’t switch over, when we accidentally click on it.

Any purely by coincidence, Chris Rea lives in my village. Actually, more his village than mine. Much though I love Mark Knopfler, Mark would never want to hear Chris referred to as a poor version of him.

Let the music play, forever, from both of them. And may Bob’s bath eggs always be winners.

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Thank you for introducing me to the absolute absurdity that is Bob Mortimer. And you are 100% correct that I shall now introduce him to loved ones, friends, neighbors, people sitting next to me on public transit and the occasional stray do that looks a little sad.

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The Bob Mortimer WILTYs are a frequent rabbit hole I disappear down when I should probably be doing something more productive. But laughter is good medicine, yeah?

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The leather maker's drill totally got me! Hysterical. I totally admit to watching and loving TV.

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You can never watch a Bob Mortimer WILTY clip too many times. An absolute genius! And with David Mitchell as his foil… brilliant!

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Great piece about the wonderful Bob Mortimer. But ... Chris Rea the poor man’s Mark Knopfler? I’d call it a draw - both are rich talents, although Rea hasn’t sold as many records.

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The WILTY rabbit hole is deep my friends, quick, someone throw me a rope!

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Theft and Shrubbery on my desert island with me as well. Cheers.

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He's not just brilliant, he's so instantly likeable I distinctly recall going from who is this guy to I love this guy in about 10 seconds the first time I saw him. In fact, I think I barely made it past the cue card before we were long lost pals.

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