I loved Girls Guide so much. Reread it a few years ago and as you write, it stands up as ferociously as ever. The last story is with me forever, how she pulls that off is magic. Thank you for this. PS. Love Teenage Fan Club. Interviewed them for some late night tv music show on 1990 and god were they funny.

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Years ago, my sister was working in publishing and managed to wangle a couple of tickets to your ‘Speaking with the Angel’ event at Hammersmith Palais. Knowing I was a massive fan of Teenage Fanclub she invited me along. It was a great evening but my highlight was seeing an American writer reading a short story about a new couple going to a party in Brooklyn.

I’d never heard of Melissa Bank before that night but she immediately became one of my favourite writers. When the short story she read appeared as the final chapter of her novel ‘The Wonder Spot’ it immediately became one of my favourite novels. It’s such a beautiful, funny and melancholy book. Thanks again for introducing me to Melissa Bank and her work!

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I just read a sample you-know-where and immediately ordered it. As close to hugging myself in anticipation as a 66 year old man can be…

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