From an NHS employee, thanks for this! Hopefully Starmer will not waste his oppertunity, to set things back on track.

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I’m moved and gladdened by your song of praise to the NHS. I’m also a Londoner. In recent years I’ve spent more time than I’d like in the Whittington A&E waiting room. Each time I’m in there it is shabbier and more crowded than the time before and the waiting time longer. The NHS desperately needs more money for staff and facilities - and the sooner the better. I can’t wait for a new administration to funnel our taxes where they are needed.

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Thank you so much Nick. I retired after forty plus years in the NHS as a nurse and audiologist. I am now a frequent patient myself and give thanks for it every day.

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Beautiful. Also beautiful that you took the time to express your gratitude in this way. I'd imagine they don't get many letters like yours.

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The part about teaching hospitals is a cop out. All the consultants who treated your son have highjy paid jobs in the private sector. If you have money to pay then pay and relieve some pressure of the NHS. Cut this virtue signaling crap.

You clearly love your son and I wish him the best.

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I'm sorry you thought I was "virtue-signalling". He would not have had access to any of these specialists were it not for the NHS referrals, and the teaching hospitals. And Maureen is right: sometimes we saw two ot three specialists at once. You don't know Danny's story, and this ignorance should disqualify you from making comments like this.

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I don't know Danny's history and I apologies for offending you. My comment was a general one not specific to Danny's case. The NHS does indeed provide an excellent service for complex conditions especially with cancer as I know. What I find difficult is the Gary Liniker types who only use the NHS " on principle". Once again I apologise for any offense.

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Fuck you, massive bell end. Sorry if I’ve caused offence.

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Andy, nothing matches the team work of specialists working together in teaching hospitals. This is particularly true of the team work required in more complex cases and for those patients with multiple health conditions. I worked in the NHS in clinical posts for over 40 years.

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You replied to me, but I think you intended this for Nick. I'd hate to bogart your insults.

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I was lucky enough to see the penultimate performance of Nye, played by Michael Sheen, at the Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff. Needless to say, a standing ovation and not a dry eye the house. All hail the NHS. It is magnificent.

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Sadly I think Labour are no better than the Tories and will continue the destruction of the NHS. They are intent on privatisation and seem to have no clue how the NHS works or how to listen to or value those who work in it. I hope I am proved wrong

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Wonderfully said, Nick. And thank you for sharing your own and your son's experiences with the NHS.

The NHS is for everyone, whether you have money or not and as someone who's brother has required frequent treatment over the decades, I am eternally grateful to the staff and to the system.

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Fingers crossed, Nick! The NHS is one of the best things about this country and I hate that it's been so screwed over recently.

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Well said. As an NHS nurse who has access to private health insurance through my husband’s work I know the treatment I would get on the NHS is superior despite the delays/waiting times etc.

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Beautiful and also very powerful, and very very well writen, thanks Nick

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